REPIC Environmental Policy

REPIC is the largest household WEEE producer compliance scheme in the UK and provides compliance solutions to companies throughout the UK under the WEEE, Waste Batteries & Accumulators, and Packaging Regulations.

We care about the environment and are committed to making a difference through embedding environmental protection into our company culture, operating sustainably, and reducing the carbon impact of our business activities.

We are committed to continuous environmental improvement, pollution prevention, and maintaining a high standard of environmental performance.

We will:

  • minimise the impact of our activities on the environment.
  • set achievable objectives, including carbon reduction targets that will assist us to achieve Net Zero.
  • minimise the consumption of resources including raw materials, electricity, gas and water.
  • consider the environment when procuring goods and services.
  • promote waste minimisation, reuse, recycling and recovery by reducing the resources we consume and separating our waste for recycling and recovery rather than dispose of our residual waste.
  • fully comply with and where possible, exceed our compliance obligations.
  • motivate and empower our employees to help protect the environment by engaging them in target setting, reporting on our progress and success in achieving these, and through training and promotion of this policy.
  • review regularly the basis of this policy and explore options for continual improvement. This will be achieved through the development and review of a formal environmental management system and policy objectives.

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