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REPIC chief executive, Louise Grantham, confirmed today:

England is now observing a period of lockdown until Wednesday 2nd December and under guidance from the Government, households can still leave home to visit waste and recycling centres as this has been deemed an essential activity.

During this period, REPIC will operate COVID-safe business as usual. Our partners will continue to collect and recycle WEEE in a COVID safe manner.

Our top priority at this time is the health of our employees and partners and we encourage everyone to abide by the strict social distancing measures that are in place at every site and limit the number of trips. We suggest that you check your relevant local authority website for the latest information on site opening hours and restrictions in place throughout this period.

REPIC continues to fully operate throughout this period with all employees contactable in the usual ways.

Variations in Scotland and Wales

Following a period of national lockdown, Wales has reopened its recycling centres. Kerbside collections continue to be in operation, however we would ask everyone to regularly check their local authority’s website for any changes to services in their areas.

Household waste recycling centres will remained open across Scotland. The guidance, which will become law on Friday 20th November, permits travel for recycling in level 3 and 4 areas. Restrictions to maintain physical distancing and appointment-only systems will continue to be implemented in many council areas and we ask you to check your relevant local authority website for the latest information.

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